Fallout Advent Calendar - Day 02
On The Second Day Of Christmas, Bethesda Gave To Me…
Day 2 of the calendar, and it’s a small square, light blue in colour with snowflakes, baubles and Christmas trees as a pattern. The small size of the compartment had be curious as to what would be inside more than I already was, and I wasn’t disappointed!
Zap That Thirst!
Today was a day for Nuka Cola, thanks to this badge! The recognisable Nuka Cola logo, as seen on bottle caps, adverts and all over Nuke-World on a badge I can take anywhere!
What Is Nuka Cola?
Entering into the beverage market in 2044, and created by John-Caleb Bradburton, and would take the USA market by storm, despite it being horrifically unhealthy due to the 120% daily intake of sugar. Bradburton’s desire to create and innovate the drink resulted in a number of additional flavours to be created in a short space of time, such as Cherry, Orange and Grape. Throughout the years, the company would attempt to buy out rival drink companies, such as Vim! and Sunset Sarsaparilla. The failed attempt to purchase Sunset Sarsaparilla would result in Nuka Wild being created in revenge. Against Vim!, they copyrighted Quartz for use in drinks, meaning that Vim! would have to clear it from shelves the following year, which would be put on hold due to the world ending in nuclear fire.
What Do I Think Of Nuka-Cola?
You may think that’s a strange thing to put for a fictional drink, or perhaps what do I think about the company in the game? Well, thanks to the Vault Dweller Cookbook, I have a Nuka-Cola recipe!
How To Make Nuka Cola Better? Add Ice Cream!
In the Vault Dweller Cookbook, there are a few recipes that use the Nuka Cola Syrup. I still need to try the BBQ sauce, but one I have made is the Nuka Cola Float! I’ve made it with Nuka Cola and with added Nuka Cherry syrup (With Cherry is far superior). It is such a unique flavour. The Star Anise in it gives it a sort of Dandelion and Burdock flavour, but the fruit and vanilla flavours in it make it so much more. And when you add the Cherry syrup, it just gets better.
The Feral Den have some of the toughest S.O.Bs in their roster, but for whatever reason, people aren’t talking about them! Daz and I take a look at why that is, and point out some of our favourite characters from their ranks.