Fallout Advent Calendar - Day 01
Fallout Has An Advent Calendar!!!
And I have one! They were released last year (if I remember correctly), but last year I had a Warhammer 40K Chibi Space Marine calendar. The calendar has 25 spots on it of different shapes and sizes and contains keepsakes, stickers, books and recipes.
Day 1 - A square envelope featuring a snowman with Vault-Boy’s face. Contents: Brotherhood of Steel wooden tree ornament.
Ad Victorium
A wooden hanging ornament with the symbol of the Brotherhood of Steel laser etched onto it.
Who Are The Brotherhood Of Steel?
The Brotherhood of Steel (BoS) are a techno-religious military order, post-war. Founded in 2082 by a rogue US Army Captain, Roger Maxson, after the Great War of 2077, the Brotherhood task themselves with finding and confiscating technology to prevent mankind from taking itself to the brink of destruction (or possibly beyond) again.
Their ranks are named more akin to Arthurian knights in arms, Scribes, Lancers, Initiates, Knights, Paladins, Elders to name a few. Between games, East and West Coast and different Elders, different ranks are allowed to use Power Armour, and through the series they are equipped with different style Power Armour, in the original games, Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 76 they use T45 and T51 variants, and in Fallout 4 Paladins from Arthur Maxson’s Brotherhood use T60 Power Armour.
The Techno-Zealots taking over my Christmas Tree!
I shortened the ribbon on the ornament a little after this photo by looping it around itself and then onto the branch of the tree.
My Thoughts On The Brotherhood Of Steel?
I liked Elder Lyons’ Brotherhood in the Capital Wasteland of Fallout 3, but Elder Maxson’s take on the faction in Fallout 4 just doesn’t speak to me. His view of the Brotherhood takes it to being a more secluded group, like they were in their earlier form on the West-Coast. Lyons had them being more open to helping the people of the Wasteland and using their strength and technologically advanced status for the benefit of the people. And following the good ending of Fallout 3, using Project Purity to provide clean water to the Wasteland.