Fallout Advent Calendar - Day 05
The Most Popular Calendar In The West!
Day 5 was a square opening, light blue with balloons! Well, I thought it was a square… As I opened the envelope and removed the item, it kept coming! It was then I realised that half of the envelope was hidden beneath tomorrow’s one! And within this now rectangular packet?
Made with pure cane sugar! It’s Sunset Sarsaparilla!
Now, I’m not a fan of New Vegas, As much as I like some of the improvements Black Isle made with the game, it just never hooked me, so my knowledge of Sunset Sarsaparilla is limited, but I love this piece of advertising! Currently I have it on the wall next to where I paint, but this could be a really nice Bookmark. or even cooler, used on a billboard scenery piece for Wasteland Warfare!
What Is Sunset Sarsaparilla?
The story of Sunset Sarsaparilla starts 126 years before Nuka Cola. In 1918 (This is before the divergence from the real world timeline, which seems very rare in Fallout), a saloon owner wanted to make their own soft drink. A stranger at the end of the bar offered him a family recipe, as long as he can sample it whenever he wants to ensure they are following the recipe to the letter, and he’ll give him the recipe if he meets him that night. The stranger would be found dead in the town, and the disappointed saloon owner would head back to his saloon. There he would find a bottle, sealed with a wax blue star, and a note. The note contained the recipe, and the bottle, the drink. He would begin to sell Sunset Sarsaparilla and even pay for the funeral of the stranger.
Some of the bottles are sealed with bottlecaps that have a blue star underneath. Some say that this is the stranger still sampling the recipe to make sure it isn’t changed. At least that’s the story the company gives through Festus, the company mascot.
What Do I Think Of Sarsaparilla?
Well, here in the UK, it’s not a common drink, and I’ve never seen it in any shops. But I like Dandelion and Burdock. Is that similar? I don’t know. Looking up Sarsaparilla online, Dr Pepper contains it, and I like that.